Bath Rugby Foundation is addressing the recent ban of mobile phones in 44 UK schools through a powerful new video from Jonno, our Alternative Learning Hub Manager. The video seeks to dispel common misconceptions about mobile phones in schools while highlighting how the ban can positively impact students' confidence, social development, and independence.

Jonno’s message directly challenges three prevalent misconceptions:

  1. Phones are not addictive to children: While many believe that children are not addicted to their phones, the video explains how constant phone use impacts behaviour and concentration, often leading to reliance on devices.

  2. Phones are not related to mental health issues: Although there is no direct link between phone use and mental health issues, evidence suggests that longer phone use increases the likelihood of developing problems like anxiety or depression.

  3. Children are powerless to control phone use: Contrary to popular belief, children can take control of their phone usage with adult support, as multiple studies show. Jonno emphasises the role of educators and parents in guiding children to develop healthier habits.

Bath Rugby Foundation is dedicated to fostering student development, and our approach to phone bans in certain schools aligns with our mission: “Building Confidence, Developing Life Skills, and Creating Pathways to Independence.” We adopt a policy at our Alternative Learning Hub where we lock away students phones when they are in the classroom, enabling them to focus on their work and socialise with their peers. 

The video outlines three key ways banning phones in schools helps students:

  • Gaining confidence: By realising they don’t need their phones all the time, students can build self-assurance in their abilities without the crutch of technology.
  • Developing life skills: With more time to socialise face-to-face, students learn essential social interaction skills and form deeper connections.
  • Building independence: The absence of phones in school helps students realise they can entertain themselves and engage meaningfully without the constant distraction of devices.

At Bath Rugby Foundation, we believe in creating environments where young people thrive. Through our Alternative Learning Hub and wider programmes, we see the positive impact of reducing phone reliance on students' emotional and social wellbeing.

For more information on our Alternative Learning Hub and our work, visit Alternative Learning Hub.